
12 / 06 / 2021 Gent (BE) The lockdown has been released. Only regular measures to controlle the pandemic outbreak are stil applied. What does this city look like after this ordeal and what does this do to the atmosphere in the city?
25 & 27 / 05 / 2021 & 06 / 06 / 2021 Gent (BE) At this moment the lockdown still applies but the measures are less tight. Terraces are opened and traveling restictions are lifted.
16 & 18 / 04 / 2021 Gent (BE) During the tightest part of the lockdown I went to Gent to see how this affected the city and and it's citizens and how they cooped with it.
04 - 06 / 2020 Eede (NL) Searching for a gap, in the Dutch-Belgian border, during the first lockdown of the COVID19 pandemic
27 / 01 / 2020 Visit Terneuzen (NL) a small harbour city near the Dutch border located halfway between Antwerp, Ghent and the Northsea. Located in a shrinkage area,there are a lot law bending activities and quite a bit of drug related social problems going on.
15 - 17 / 06 / 2019 Visit Charleroi(BE) a post-industrial city in Belgium
10 - 11 / 03 / 2019 Visit The Hague (NL) The government city of Holland
02 / 02 / 2019 Visit Amsterdam (NL) The capital of the Netherlands
01 / 02 / 2019 Visit Utrecht (NL) A university city in Holland
29 / 09 / 2018 Visit Oostende (BE) Was supposed to become;'the Queen of the seaside resorts' built by Leopold II and payed for by the Congo Freestate.
02 / 10 / 2017 Visit Zaventem (BE) Belguims National Airport.
10 / 09 / 2017 Visit Diksmuide ( BE ) WWI: trenches graves and memorials.
20 - 22 / 04 / 2017 Visit Brussel ( BE ) Capital of Belguim .
31 / 07 / 2016 Visit Amsterdam (NL) The capital of the Netherlands
05 / 06 / 2016 Visit Doel (BE)
Abandoned village in the harbor of Antwerp with a power plant, that has become an unofficial graffiti and street-art landmark.
19 & 26 / 10 / 2015 Visit Dokken-Noord, Ghent (BE)
Harbor area in Ghent that typically attracts street-art activity.
09 / 10 / 2015 Visit Doel (BE)
Abandoned village in the harbor of Antwerp with a power plant, that has become an unofficial graffiti and street-art landmark.
28 / 06 - 27 / 08 / 2015 Roadtrip through Poland
Zagan; Partisan cemetery, Wroclaw, Torun, Dziekowo,Radowice; wild camping, Gierloz; Wilcy Saniec - Bunkier Hitlera / Wolvenschans, Rudziszki; illegal entry of the Russian conclave Kaliningrad, Mragowo, Kostrzyn nad Odra; Woodstock.
21 / 12 / 2014 - 12 / 01 / 2015 Roadtrip through Poland
Zagan, Tomaszowo; Abandoned Soviet airport, Torun,Gdansk, Sopot, Gdynia, Hel; WW II bunker complex on the foreland of the Polish coast, Wroclaw, Krakow, Wadowice, Wieliczka; salt mine near the Slovakian-Polish border.
12 -13 / 09 / 2014 Visit Rotterdam (NL) The city with the biggest harbor in Europe
21 / 04 / 2014 Visit Doel (BE)
Abandoned village in the harbor of Antwerp with a power plant, that has become an unofficial graffiti and street-art landmark.
03 - 12 / 03 / 2014 Roadtrip through Poland
Zagan; Military base, Abandoned factory, Sniezka;mountain on the Czech-Polish border.
27 / 02 / 2014 Visit Station Oost, Antwerp (BE)
Abandoned train station that typically attracts street-art activity.
20 / 06 - 1 /07 2013 Visit Budapest (HU)
Memento park, Vasarely museum, Szecheny thermal baths; Sparty, Lukacs thermal bath, Kerepesi cemetery,Kerts / Ruinpubs; Instant, Durer kert, Szimpla kert, Fogas has, Retox.
06 - 13 / 03 / 2013 Visit Poland Zagan; Bismarck, communal cemetery, Zielona Gora.
19 / 02 / 2013 Visit Werregaarenstraatje, Ghent (BE) Designated graffiti area in the city centre of Ghent.
12 / 01 / 2013 Visit Doel (BE)
Abandoned village in the harbor of Antwerp with a power plant, that has become an unofficial graffiti and street-art landmark.
13 / 11 / 2012 Roadtrip Graffietsieroute Ghent (BE)
Bicycle route through Ghent, leading from one graffiti to another, created by the Graffiti vzw in Ghent.
11 / 10 / 2012 Visit Dokken-Noord, Ghent (BE)
Harbor area in Ghent that typically attracts street-art activity.
21 / 08 / 2012 Visit Werregaarenstraatje, Ghent (BE) Designated graffiti area in the city centre of Ghent.
Summer of 2012 Visit Track, Ghent (BE)
Exhibition spread over the city centre of Ghent, curated by Philippe Van Cauteren en Mirjam Varadinis.
30 / 07 - 16 / 08 / 2011 Roadtrip through Czech-Republic & Slovakia
Plzen (CZ), Prague (CZ), Poruba (SK), Prievidza (SK), Bojnice(SK),Banska Bystrzyca (SK), Trencyn(SK), Cachtice; Cachticky Hrad - castle ruins of Countess Elizabeth Bathory (SK).
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